Healthy Foods for Kids Northern Illinois

Mental Well Being and Nutrition

April 5, 2023

Nutrition is at the heart of our children thriving and
learning. There is a strong connection between
nutrition and mental health.
Here are few of the key findings:
“We found that eating well was associated with better mental wellbeing in children and that among secondary school children in particular, there was a really strong link between eating a nutritious diet, packed with fruit and vegetables daily, and having better mental wellbeing." – Dr. Richard Hayhoe, of UEA Norwich Medical School said.
Professor Alisha Welch who was the lead researcher with Dr. Hayhoe concluded that, “Public health strategies and school policies should continue to be developed and supported to ensure that good quality nutrition is available to all children both before and during school in order to optimize mental wellbeing and empower children to fulfill their full potential.” #mentalhealth #nutrition #school
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Healthy Meal Service for Children School Lunch Program Company Northern Illinois